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What insurance do you need for a leased car?

Leased cars almost always require full coverage insurance, which is a mix of liability, collision, and comprehensive. Plus, you can expect higher liability limits and lower deductibles.

6 Reasons to Shop Around for Car Insurance Every 6 Months

If you don’t already shop around for car insurance policy every 6 months, you could be losing out on a lot of savings. You can save hundreds just by having your current carrier reassess your rate to factor in your current location, marital status, depreciation, and driving record.

Everything you need to know about no-medical-exam life insurance

No-medical-exam life insurance is a life insurance policy that doesn’t require a medical exam during the application process. These policies can be beneficial for people with pre-existing health conditions, but the premiums tend to be much more expensive.

Why is my car insurance so high? (And how to lower it)

An imperfect driving record, a history of claims, and poor credit will lead to increased car insurance rates. But you can keep your premiums as low as possible by periodically comparing competing insurance companies, bundling multiple insurance policies under the same provider, and increasing your deductible, among other strategies.

What Is Umbrella Insurance, and Do You Need It?

Umbrella insurance provides additional liability coverage beyond your standard insurance policies if you get sued. The main purpose of umbrella insurance is to protect your assets in personal liability claims where you could be held financially responsible.