Are meal kits worth the cost?

Are meal delivery services like Home Chef, Blue Apron, and HelloFresh worth it? See if getting your meals delivered can save you money and time.

do meal kits save money

Meal kit delivery services like Home Chef, Hello Fresh and Blue Apron allow you to enjoy fresh ingredients and home-cooked meals without the hassle of meal planning and grocery shopping. But are meal kit services cost effective? Could a meal kit even save you money?

How much do meal delivery services cost?

Ordering three meal kits for two people from a meal delivery service like Home Chef, our favorite, costs $9.99+ per meal, per person. Compare the best meal delivery services and their pricing here.

Meal kit cost vs dining out

Meal kits cost significantly less than dining out, where you can expect to spend at least $20 per serving. But you can definitely prepare your own meals for less. Some budget-savvy Redditors claim to spend between $1 and $5 per serving, but the consensus seems to be most home-cooked meals cost about $5-$6 per serving.

Meal kit cost vs the grocery store

Getting your cost-per-meal down to $5 or less takes a concerted meal plan, discount shopping, and couponing. If you don’t have the time or interest in that level of meal prep, a meal kit might cost a few dollars more, per serving, than a home-cooked meal.

Learn more about meal kit companies vs. grocery shopping in the following video:

Personally, cost aside, my wife and I have entered the crazy period of life when our careers, kids, and aging parents all compete for our time. It’s one of life’s great “gotchas”: As your income grows, your time evaporates. As a result, we don’t meal plan and grocery shop based on cost very often – we just have to get it done.

So meal delivery services’ convenience is quite attractive, and we’re willing to pay a premium for that – although, in our case, that premium might not be as large as it could be.

The biggest cost downside to meal kits? There are rarely leftovers. The kits contain just enough food for the portions ordered for most people. That’s good for your waistline. But it’s bad if you’re hoping to stretch a recipe over two meals. It also means that you won’t waste leftovers you forgot to waste, and that is something I do like since we’ve been cooking with Home Chef – we rarely throw food away anymore.

How meal delivery services save you money

chicken parmesan sandwich with fries from Home ChefCrispy chicken cutlet mozzarella sandwich with fries from Home Chef.

No food waste

If you grocery shop regularly, then you’ll likely run into some form of food waste. No matter how carefully you plan out your meals, you probably always seem to end up with an extra onion or a lone sweet potato hanging out in the fridge.

With the help of a meal delivery service, you can eliminate food waste from your budget. Instead of leaking pennies with food waste, the pre-portioned meal ingredients ensure that you won’t have leftover ingredients going bad in your fridge.

Once cooked, the servings are very exact. For example, if you order two servings, you’ll almost always receive exactly two servings. As I said above, you won’t have any leftovers, but that can be a big money saver if you are constantly throwing away leftovers.

Top-quality ingredients for less

When you head to the grocery store, you may or may not be picking out top-quality ingredients. But a meal delivery service can ensure that you are receiving the best ingredients available.

Sunbasket, for example, offers certified organic and sustainable meals made with antibiotic-free meats and seafood.

If you want to eat high-quality ingredients with a sustainable attitude, it can be time-consuming to run around town for those ingredients. But with the help of Sunbasket, you can simply select the meals that interest you and enjoy the organic ingredients.

There’s also another favorite of ours, Green Chef, which is the first company to receive USDA organic certification. Green Chef works with with farmers to provide and deliver sustainable, delicious high-quality ingredients.

Since organic ingredients can come with a premium price tag at the store, you won’t be spending too much more to enjoy the convenience of a meal delivery service. You likely will even save money!

Fewer trips to the grocery store

A smaller grocery bill is one surefire way to save with a meal delivery service. With fewer meals to plan for yourself, you will find yourself making trips to the grocery store less often, which means you won’t buy those two packs of Oreos that are “on sale”.

As an additional perk, you can save time by cutting out long trips to the store. Although you may only shave an hour off of your weekly chores, it is a worthwhile time-saving!

Less temptation to dine out

The most obvious way that a meal delivery service can save you money is by tempting you to stay home instead of dining out. It is not a secret that the expense of eating out can quickly add up.

If you need to break out of dining out maybe too much, then a meal delivery service can offer significant savings. Not only will you save money each week, but you’ll also build better habits. Over time, you may become more accustomed to cooking at home and save dinners out for special occasions.

Plus, you won’t find it challenging to stay in when the meals offered by a service like HelloFresh offer mouth-watering options. For example, Pork & Mexican Street Corn Tacos sound tempting enough for me to skip my regular Taco Tuesday out. With a multitude of tasty meal options, HelloFresh can help you save money by skipping takeout.

» MORE: Compare Green Chef vs HelloFresh

Skip deliveries when you have other plans

One of the biggest worries I had when considering a meal delivery service was the commitment. Personally, my schedule changes from week to week. I didn’t want to be locked into a meal delivery if I scheduled a trip or made other dinner plans.

I was relieved to discover that most, if not all, meal delivery services allow you to ‘skip’ weeks. For example, Blue Apron will allow you to skip as many weeks as you’d like. You’ll be able to make your skip selections up to five weeks in advance.

With this, you won’t have to worry about spending money on deliveries that you can’t eat. Your budget will appreciate this feature.

How meal delivery services save you time

A meal delivery service will only save you money if you currently dine out every single night. But about time? How convenient are meal delivery services?

Lauren and I have now prepared and enjoyed over 150 meals from Home Chef, Blue Apron, and other services. My verdict? Meal delivery services’ convenience factor is a two-edged sword.

Planning and shopping

Needing to plan and shop for three fewer dinners a week easily saves us time.

On weeks we receive a meal delivery, FedEx just drops the box on our porch while we’re at work. Thanks to their packaging, the meals can stay fresh for a couple of days, never mind the few hours until we get home. We unload the ingredients to the fridge in about 2 minutes until we’re ready to cook.

One thing I love about Home Chef versus some competitors is that Home Chef bundles all the ingredients you need for each recipe. When it’s time to cook, you’re never hunting at the bottom of the produce bin for a loose tomatillo – you just dump the ingredients and go.

When compared to the time it takes to find recipes, add to the shopping list, and pick those ingredients at the store, meal deliveries are clearly faster. How much faster? That’s tough to say, but I would guess about 15 or 20 minutes a week. No, that’s not a ton of time. But it’s meaningful time.

We do our meal planning and shopping on Sundays – a chore that takes one of us about 2 hours, on average. Even if we can shave a little bit of time off of that chore, it feels like a win. That’s more precious free/family time.

Prepping and cooking

Home Chef stir fry ingredients including broccoli and peppers spread out in bowls on tableHome Chef stir fry ingredients.

Of course, you still have to cook the meals! The experience of cooking these recipes is part of the appeal. You learn new techniques and about new ingredients. But some recipes are definitely more involved than a meal you might plan for a busy Tuesday night.

I’ve never encountered one of these recipes that you could reasonably cook in under 30 minutes. Between 35 and 45 minutes seems to be about average from prep to plate. Meals from Blue Apron and Plated tend to take longer – in some cases, over an hour.

Another reason Home Chef is currently my favorite meal delivery service is that you can cook most of their meals in about 40 minutes and there’s even under 30 minute options. They also tend to send some ingredients partially prepped (such as individual garlic cloves instead of an entire bulb) which saves time on prep. I’ve cooked a few Blue Apron meals that, while delicious, required 30 minutes of zesting and dicing before even lighting the stove.

Our Favorite Meal Kit
Home Chef

Rated #1 in customer satisfaction and our favorite meal delivery company.

Home Chef offers multiple meal choices each week with ample variety to meet dietary needs. While not the most adventurous or customizable meal box out there, Home Chef delivery fresh, quality ingredients and tasty recipes consistently.

Special offer: Get 18 free meals + free shipping on your first box! Plus, for a limted time, enjoy some of Dolly Parton and Rachel Parton George’s favorite recipes on the Home Chef menu.
  • Recipes are easiest to follow
  • Customize meals with your favorite protein
  • Super fresh ingredients, all measured out
  • No vegan option (vegetarian only)
Choose Your Meals

Another perk? Home Chef lets you know how involved a meal will be to cook before you order. Most meals are listed as “Easy” or “Intermediate”. Those are best for weeknights, although don’t be discouraged from setting aside a weekend evening to tackle an “Advanced”. You’re sure to learn some new cooking techniques that will make the meal all-the-more memorable.

Meal delivery services sign-up offers and discounts

As you consider your meal delivery options, a helpful tip is to check out the welcome coupons and offers for signing up available. If you are interested in trying out this concept but aren’t sure which company is exactly right for you, it doesn’t hurt to try out a few. Especially with all the super attractive first time offers available, like the one with Home Chef. There’s also additional discounts for military, nurses, students and other indiviuals.

» MORE: Get Home Chef offer or read our about discounts in our Home Chef Review.


Meal delivery services like Home Chef, Blue Apron, and HelloFresh are a novel way to cook delicious meals at home. Ordering your food won’t usually be cheaper than strategic grocery shopping, but at around $10 a meal, on average, it could easily be less expensive than eating out.

As far as convenience goes, meal delivery definitely takes some of the stress (and time) out of weekly meal planning and shopping. Just remember, you still need to cook the meals, and that takes time! Look to Home Chef or HelloFresh for the most straightforward recipes (and lowest cook times). I give Home Chef a special shout out because they do a little bit of the prep work for you, which I estimate saves 10 minutes or so each meal. EveryPlate compares as one of the most affordable, and Blue Apron is great for adventurous eaters who have extra time to invest in the kitchen.