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American Express Cards DO Have Spending Limits

If you carry a classic American Express Green, Gold, or Platinum card, or any other credit card that has no pre-set spending limit, you probably know this doesn’t mean your card has no limit at all. So how is your spending limit calculated, and what happens if you hit it? I found out last month.

How To Get Out Of A Car Lease Early

You signed a car lease thinking you’d have no problem making the payments. Now, you need to get out and fast. Here’s how to get out of a car lease.

9 ways to lower your mortgage payment

If you’re in a difficult place financially, lowering your mortgage payment can help you immensely. But this means you’ll be paying more interest in the long run. Here’s why you might want to lower your mortgage payments, and how to do it.

Best peer-to-peer lending sites for borrowers and investors

Overall, Prosper is the top P2P player in the game, with a wide range of loan and investing options. New players like SoLo Funds offer a unique approach for borrowers, with no fees and optional tipping. And Kiva is a hybrid lender with a mix of lending and crowdfunding offering 0% loans to small businesses.